Blizzard officially comments on Nostalrius and "Pristine Servers"

The problem with market thinking is that it assumes people (or in this case businesses) will act rationally. A company can choose to ignore market trends at their own peril for any reason or no reason at all. If it doesn't, someone else will fill the need. That's what happened with the private server.

However, just because there is a need, doesn't mean that consumers have an objective "right" (using the word loosely here) to have the exact thing they seek. They can have something close to it provided someone else makes it available. For better or worse, US society gives a creator a monopoly over the use and enjoyment of the things they create. (Note: While I'm obviously addressing copyright law, this isn't a legal argument. Copyright law is the means to the end). Most people in the USA believe in private property, and the monopoly is what lets it stay private. In that regard the moral imperative isn't to share, it is to protect a person's right to use and enjoy their property.

I say all of this to make a simple point. Blizzard created WoW, and they can do with it what they please. Consumers can get angry. They can quit playing. They can even create a game that is similar to WoW in vanilla. However, what they can't do is have vanilla WoW unless blizzard (and eventually copyright law) allows it.

The sense of entitlement isn't the fact that people want it. The sense of entitlement I'm referring to is the idea that Blizzard is somehow stupid or evil and that that gives people the right to take WoW and use it whatever manner they please. As much as copyright law was designed to produce public domain works, the market has spoken through extended copyright terms. I don't like it, and neither should anyone else. However, that makes society the bad guy in this story, not the company that acts in accordance with the predominant societal norm.

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