I know I'm in the minority and I'll be down voted into hell's basement but I agree with Blizzard. I actually like the game now, much more than I did when I started just before Burning Crusade released. The boss battles are more intricate, there's tons of new features, professions and areas etc etc.

If I were Blizzard I'd be suing these guys too. First it's the principle of the thing. Blizzard made World of Warcraft, they ultimately should be able to determine what happens to it. That's only right. What Nostalrius was doing is intellectual theft. Period. What happens when more and more people catch wind of this server and it's not run to the stringent rule set and quality control that Blizzard is famous for? It brings down their company reputation as a whole.

So let's say Blizzard leaves Nostalrius' people and servers alone. Then you've got more and more people signing on to play for free. Who is going to pay for a service when you can just grab a few files and play for free? Do the people who developed, curated and ensured excellent customer service simply deserve to be out of jobs? Do they not deserve to be compensated for their labor? Nostalrius says "No, screw those people, we want to play for free!"

Do you know WHY it's a "legacy" server? Because they haven't figured out how to script and code the newer expansions yet. That's it. It's not some grand nostalgia experiment, it's theft and piracy plain and simple and now people are getting pissed off because Blizzard is bringing the hammer down and stopping their little "Free WoW party". Blizzard is in the right here and I completely support everything they're doing. I have paid thousands into their games and merchandise and I want that money to retain it's value. I don't want to feel like I wasted my time and money on something that just any dude from the street can provide for free.

I say good on Blizzard and I hope they screw these guys to the wall so hard that other servers will be afraid to operate as well.

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