Blizzards ridiculous suspension system

If you are getting banned. You are not innocent.

Really nice soapbox speech from someone playing at GM, where team mates are cooperative and polite usually. Maybe try and put yourself in someone elses shoes. People who play Sym to the best of their ability do get banned regularly and their appeals are rarely given the time of day. I've got about 800hrs on Sym and had NINE bans while not being toxic, throwing, trolling etc. With respect, you really don't know what you're talking about until you've been stuck in the lower ranks.

Don't even bother to reply to me to tell me it's my fault because I don't flex, I don't want to hear it. People shouldn't be banned for their character choices. I have my own reasons for playing her and it's quite frankly none of your business.

/r/Overwatch Thread Parent