Blizzard's Statement About Blitzchung Incident

This is a fuzzy line for Blizzard to be walking, especially when you want to say that your game and its official broadcast is supposed to bring all sorts of people together, regardless of their political affiliations or backgrounds, for their love of the game and, for that reason, you want to avoid divisive issues, regardless of their content. The letter did say, after all, that "If this had been the opposing viewpoint delivered in the same divisive and deliberate way, we would have felt and acted the same." and "The specific views expressed by blitzchung were NOT a factor in the decision we made. I want to be clear: our relationships in China had no influence on our decision"

To quote the letter:

One of our goals at Blizzard is to make sure that every player, everywhere in the world, regardless of political views, religious beliefs, race, gender, or any other consideration always feels safe and welcome both competing in and playing our games.

Which makes the Pride celebration in Overwatch bit seem inconsistent. Openly celebrating pride month and declaring characters homosexual will make people with some sets of political views or religious beliefs uncomfortable and unwelcomed (while also making others who agree feel more welcomed). Does that active, focused celebration not, in some way, take "...the conversation away from the purpose of the event," which is supposed to be about playing the game?

Would Blizzard have "felt and acted the same," then if the comment was made in a winner's interview about how gay rights need to be defended the world over and swiftly banned the players and casters, confiscating their previous winnings? Are such statements only OK during Pride month when Blizzard officially declares that issue to be talked about? Would it be better to just focus on the game and let people privately (or quietly) support what they want? Are they only allowed to support the right views during a broadcast? For instance, maybe a small pin worn in support of gay pride during an interview would be fine. But would the same pin be fine if it reflected different, less palatable content, such as a pin supporting a political candidate, or even something supporting a group perceived to be hateful and intolerant?

These are difficult lines to draw in justified and consistent ways. It will lead to conflict at time. And it will make statements like the ones issued today seem like half-truths at best

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