Bloodborne is 40+ hours?? Waaay too long. Wish it was more like the PSVR length games (2-3 hours)!

Let, means: to allow, or give consent to. Down-votes are a way for reddit users to show their disapproval or otherwise negative feedback, to a post or comment. Commence, means: an official start of an activity or event; usually by the announcement of a leader or officiate. So, there's that mystery solved.

You're complaining, some(what), in your (post), about the post content in this sub. Yet, your post is based around a non-VR game. Also, I know parentheses are fun - but dial it back a little. Your invalid points are a bit hard to follow.

Lastly, I am so thankful that Bloodborne is not a 2 - 3 hour long game. It's one of the best games in its genre, and one of my favorite of all time. Any fan of action RPG, and H.P. Lovecraft, would possibly say the same. You haven't played it, yet, and you already wish it weren't so long? It's free, and you want it to have less content/hours of playability. I'll leave with the advice to not do either of those things again. Don't complain about something you haven't experienced or have some kind of in-depth knowledge of the subject. Don't complain that you've gotten too much free anything. You're welcome, and good night.

/r/PSVR Thread