Bloodborne is a feminist game

My one and probably only issue that I can be bothered with anymore is the fact that people cling to a word and try to change its meaning or something. Feminism was never about men or equality and you can't say "at its core" because when it was created it had nothing to do with gender equality it had to do with elevating women and this persistence of trying to change the meaning of the word in social circles is never going to erase the meaning, the origin and the definition of the word. If you are for gender equality or just equality in general there are far better isms to use than to try to prevent the much needed extinction of feminism. I'm not really worked up but this needs to stop. The reasoning behind this incessant survival of the word feminism is like saying "nationalism" has nothing to do with Nazis because it didn't in the beginning and then it started being associated with it. Feminism is not gender equality it never even started as equality. Egalitarianism is a far better description if one feels the need for a label. And I mean all this without any offense if it might come off as such. And my problem is not with the so called radical feminists because they are beyond saving. My problem is with the so called rational ones who still doesn't seem to understand the word and that is why you will hear 50 different definitions by so called rational people. I do not know of another word that has a clear textbook definition and is still being interpreted differently in public, do you?

TLDR the word is poisoned and needs to die especially when there are far better words for what some are trying to achieve. And also, I have no idea what this red pill thing is unless it's some sort of matrix reference that I do not understand in this context

/r/bloodborne Thread Parent