Bloomberg News Killed [Chinese] Investigation, Fired Reporter, Then Sought To Silence His Wife

Saw this article on NPR this morning, and given current events with the China and the WHO and whatnot, thought it was another interesting example of the power China holds.

TLDR: Bloomberg News' China reporting team wrote a report on the wealth of the Chinese Communist Party elites that pissed off the Chinese government and got them in trouble. Undettered, one of their journalists wrote another piece exposing Xi's connection to these elites. Bloomberg News refused to print the article due to worries China would no longer buy Bloomberg's financial terminals and cut them out of their market. So they fired the reporter and threatened him and his wife financially if they didn't sign NDAs. The New York Times eventually printed the report instead.

Very shady for a "news" organization to be picking and choosing stories based on whether it will help or hurt their non-news parent company. Couple that with Mike Bloomberg's decree that Bloomberg News was not allowed to write negative stories about him or his Democratic rivals while he was running for president and you get the picture of a news agency that is not serious about being investigative, but merely a for-profit entity that represents the interests of its owner and parent company.

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