Bloomberg is out

Yes, in 1600 European exiles invented chattel slavery, the first of its kind, where children born to enslaved people weren’t born free but instead were property of their parents owner. Then refused all of those people born on and currently residing on the land we now call America full citizenship until 1964 (although birthright citizenship exists in the US so how does that actually work?). All of this so a pedant on the internet in 2020 could say that capitalism doesn’t oppress its own citizens.

But those massacred by the Pinkerton militia, or the shirtwaist fire factory victims locked into their factory floor from the outside and jumping to their deaths were for sure US citizens. Or maybe not, maybe some dumb rule took them out of the running too so again your could tell me Capitalism doesn’t depend on oppressing its own citizens.

More like capitalism oppresses its own then reclassifies its ‘own’ so the oppressed don’t count.

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