Blue post confirms 8% melee hit cap vs raid bosses, 14% parry.

Threat won't be such a problem...FOR WARRIORS. But it will be for Druids. Druid threat will be bellow Prot Warriors...AS IT WAS IN VANILLA. Why? Well, because Warriors CAN ALSO PARRY. When a raid boss parries a hit, his next attack will be 40% faster than the previous, which means that the raid boss, during the fight will hit more often due to parry-haste mechanics...but this also translates in the Warrior being able to parry more hits, which in turn gives the Warrior more parry-haste uptime.

Why would the bosses parry % being higher translate to warriors parrying more and getting more attacks in? Just because the boss has a higher parry% than on pservers doesnt mean warriors do. Why would this affect druids negatively in the way youre saying? From what I gather youre just wrong, this makes druids better, not worse.

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