The BMI is bullshit!

My wife is pretty overweight and always gets mad when her doctor points it out. Like...that's his job. He's trying to save your life.

I love her, but she's dangerously close to having the same mentality as the dumb bitch in this video. Because of those stupid "My 300 Pound Life" shows and some of our mutual friends being super "woke," she occasionally blurts out shit like "that's fatshaming/bodyshaming."

I can't stand it, but I've given up on guiding her on diet and exercise because it always goes from zero to 100 in half a second. These days the most I will do is just point out how I'm so full from my meal that I couldn't possibly eat anymore. Unfortunately, she will still put down seconds and then come out of the kitchen with 3 Keebler cookies.

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