Bodybuilder vs Pro Arm Wrestler - Worth seeing again

You're not going to go talk to people actually participating in the sport because you're not confident they will agree with you.

You're an intellectual coward who wants to simultaneously act as though he's SO confident in his analysis that every rebuttal of it is just a roundabout way of agreeing with him, and yet not actually take even the simplest steps of confirming he's correct WITH ACTUAL PROFESSIONALS IN THE SPORT.

You can frame it however you want — ooh, the armwrestling sub is just an echo chamber of armwrestlers! The fact that they all agree on how armwrestling gets performed is somehow a BAD thing for their credibility!

But the fact remains that:

  • You don't armwrestle
  • You've never trained in it
  • You've never watched training videos for it
  • You don't follow the sport
  • You don't talk to armwrestlers about how it works
  • You still nevertheless think you know more about the sport than actual athletes

It's absolutely farcical arrogance and I'm dead right on all of those bullet points.

You're quite literally that keyboard warrior typing out essays on shit he doesn't have the slightest fucking clue about because he's never done it.

A good way to tell you're losing in an argument is if you're conspicuously making excuses not to actually ask professionals if they agree with your opinion.

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