Why is the bodybuilding/fitness community online so fucking toxic.

If people aren’t treating you right, they’re probably just projecting some of their insecurities on you. Being bigger does help and I sort of started lifting for the same reason. Once I started getting stronger and seeing results I just fell in love with it. I forgot that was the reason I even started. It definitely is a confidence booster but most of all you just feel better, have more energy and feel accomplished after workouts and PRs.

Also don’t get discouraged, when I first started I was barely able to do any proper workouts with some solid weight and I felt embarrassed. Just remember each time you’re there you’re already one step closer than the day before.

Never let anyone else define who you are especially not on the internet. Start lifting and make sure you’re at a caloric surplus and the results will come! Whatever your reason is to start I’m happy you found one and I hope you kill it and come out shredded. Best of luck!

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