Boichi, author of manga like Sun-Ken Rock, intended to be a artist from childhood. He majored in physics in college as preparation to draw science fiction works and went on to graduate school to major in image technology. He can draw pages like this.

You come off as a little smug, I don't mean it in a bad way, just in case you were wondering why both comments were so poorly received.

Well, it's also a boichi circlejerk thread and you're criticizing Dr Stone, so the downvotes come with the territory. Still, I just wanted to say that I don't even like Boichi, I dropped Dr. Stone very early, and even I felt condescended to by your comments. It's because you phrase your opinions as facts, i.e. "the characters are bland and irritating", and not "I found the characters to be bland and irritating", stuff like that.

I mean downvotes don't really matter so you probably don't care, it's fine, I just thought you might want to know that you came off that way.

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