Bolen talks about Funhaus being mean as mean mean not funny mean on the Friday 13th video.

Yeah, that literally never happened. Unless you inexplicably interpreted me submitting a counterpoint for consideration as "telling people how they should be". In which case...


The claim that I have zero proximity to the situation is also objectively wrong. Bolen's comments were explicitly about the finished edit of the F13th video. I watched said F13th video. Proximity established.

I've also watched every single Funhaus video outside the podcast. In what way am I not qualified to judge how the F13th video compares to other content they've produced? If anything I'm better qualified to judge it than they are, as I had no hand in making it. Filmmakers & actors don't review their own work for a reason; they lack the perspective necessary to view it objectively/impartially.

Others are of course free to uncharitably disregard anything I have to say because I don't know FH/GA personally -- which both you and Bruce have, seemingly without a second thought. But that doesn't actually negate my argument or its merits, given that my focus is and always has been the content itself and how it plays to those watching it. Like Bolen, for example. The guy who was hurt by the comments Funhaus made at his expense in the video that Bruce is insisting did not come off as mean or hurtful toward him.

Are we still battling? Is there a cash prize?

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