Boogie's story of his interaction with Anita Sarkeesian at VidCon

Someone who can only go to college if you're picked out of millions of others, living in bad neighbourhoods and probability of living a life of crime is 3 times higher or someone who won't get a scholarship.

Neither. I would rather be me >:D

Like, I'd rather make $0.75 more an hour t

That stat is wrong.

han being able to leave work early to pick up the kids without any socialstigma around it

Is there one? I mean if that's the case that's shitty but I actually never heard about that.Well if that's the case than that needs to be changed!

not being able to get the job because the interviewer couldn't pronounce my name.

As a person with a hard to pronounce name I can say so far it hasn't affected me (other than my personal anxiety about it).

I personally rather not have any problems and just rather live my life if you get what I mean.

Any who if you are making the argument that everyone has their own privilege than sure yeah I don't disagree. I mean I don't completely agree with your entire stance. But if that's how you define privilege than yeah sure!

I just heavily disagree with the "one side has all the privilege" or the one side has more problems stance some people use ...I disagree with the second one because it shouldn't matter what amount of issues are for one side or the other issues are issues and need to be fixed!

We cool?

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