Book of Agonizing Pain

I didn't say in the post because it would take another wall of text and I wanted to keep this as brief as possible, but the boss we fought was a chancellor that we killed by destroying his copy of the book. Because of weird politics I became the chancellor because I dealt the final blow and the book appeared specifically for me. As far as I know no one else can use the book even if I gave it to them. If I could my two options are:

A Sorcerer Aasimar that would destroy the book because of backstory reasons if he saw it, and as the player hasn't been able to make it for the past two sessions, he hasn't seen it yet.

A Ranger Water Genasi that played his first session ever today. Honestly I can't trust him with this book as I don't even know what to do with it, and if it is destroyed the campaign is over.

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