Book suggestion for mythology.

So you want to read the puranic stories of creation?

Upanishads (even sectarian ones) contain better explanations than puranas(which are basically encyclopedias containing everything from geographical descriptions,historical kings to religious stories which were recited by royal bards in Village Gatherings)

Here is something from Upanishads which gives a gist of how everything begins.Sectarian scriptures refer to this Parabrahman(परब्रह्म) as Hari/Hara/AdiShakti etc while Major Upanishads dictate all of them to be the manifestation of Parabrahm.

tasmādvā etasmādātmana ākāśaḥ saṃbhūtaḥ ākāśādvāyuḥ vāayoragniḥ agnerāpaḥ adabhyaḥ pṛthivī pṛthivyā oṣadhayaḥ oṣadhībhyonnam annātpuruṣaḥ [Tait. Up. - 2.1]

Meaning Verily from Brahman(absolute) arose the space; from space air, from air fire, from fire water, from water earth, from earth minerals, from minerals vegetation and from vegetation man.

If you want to read about Morality,Ethics,4 Purusharth & 4 Ashrams.Then refer to Mahābharat & Ramayana but that would need prior knowledge of many terminologies & incidents along with traditional commentaries.

It's better to refer to a secondary source.

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