“Boom, headshot!” Disputed video game paper retracted

No, it doesn't mean I want it stopped.

But I'd sure as fuck like the people who keep misinterpreting it or putting out half assed debunked reports to get people to click their articles to stop doing it.

If that's bias, you can call me biased. You're not wrong; I love video games. They got me through depression, they got me through rape, they got me through suicide. When I felt like nobody on this planet gave a shit about me, I still found something to love, and somewhere to escape from the perpetual shit of this world. I still managed to become a reasonable and successful adult.

So when I see people so fixated and desperate to prove they're bad, you can bet I get a little irritated. It's irritating to have the things you love be attacked by people who want them to be different, instead of those very same people just being the change they want to see and making their own positive contributions to society.

I'd like to see actual research, because I know what it will prove. Instead, what I keep getting is politicized bullshit.

/r/Games Thread Parent Link - retractionwatch.com