Boom! Manifested!

Oh man i can relate to this really well.

My mom joined a weird internet cult originally created by some "metaphysical" preacher named Neville Goddard.

It's all about how you can use the power of your imagination to channel the universe's energy and give yourself whatever you want.

It's mostly harmless but lead to some disgusting views like the idea that horrible diseases or cancer were caused by having a bad imagination and negative thoughts, not ya know, the environment. So whenever someone we knew got cancer, it was all about how sad it was that they were negative people, not that they got unlucky.

Problems essentially didn't exist because it meant "I wasn't manifesting my dreams" hard enough. Any issue I had could be summed up to me picturing negative outcomes. Even shit like acne. "oh honey, you don't think you're ugly do you? Picture yourself beautiful and it'll go away". Like what the fuck.

Idk it make the people in it more or less happy, so if you know anyone like this it's probably best to let them stay delusional.

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