I was born intersex or something very confusing

You can argue all you want, but i am being honest. You make stuff up pretending to know what Klinefelters means. I am not making stuff up i have a fucking magazine of the Klinefelters club in my living room. You really need proof of that? I can send you a picture privately if you do.

About my sister i'm not sure how i could prove to you that i am being honest. Like i said i know i have it for 8 years and i have had my fair share of doctors appointments over the years. I don't really care what version of intersex you have, this has nothing to do with OP and his/her feelings. You argue he is trans, but he privately messaged me and said he only had feelings of wanting to be a woman when he was younger. Implying he isn't trans. You just assumed he is because he is confused about having XXY/ being intersex.

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