US born mex fans right now.

Born and raised in Southern California. I have dual citizenship to Italy. I'm a third Mexican and visit the small town my family is from every few years (literally related to the whole damn town). should be so easy to take on either Italy or Mexico as my national team. ...cept I aint Italian. or Mexican. I'm American god dammit. I get that some people have a connection with a certain national team if they grew up watching one or the other with their families. Respect for them sticking to their guns even though - Baaaaah << Thats you being a sheep. ...but don't get me started on those who root for both sides. Nah. That's not how that works. Have ya seen sports before because ya spose to pick a side. There's nothing worse than a sports fan who's rooting for both teams...ESPECIALLY Mexican-Americans who root for Mexico AND the US. I have an idea. How bout ya just don't watch sports yeah? Are you also a Red Sox AND Yankees fan? Do you root for Barcelona AND Real Madrid? I bet you Roll Tide while screaming War Eagle too.


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