To borrow a line from Ben Shapiro, from a YangGang perspective, Bernie is a Monkey's Paw candidate.

What makes him more abhorrent than the current president?

Our president is trash, but he's self-interested trash who doesn't threaten my way of life with his ambitious policies. Yang was my only option who actually promised to broaden the range of options in my life.

I hope enough of the disaffected youth whip right back to the red team to guarantee the media won't pull this kind of shit again.

The media should be completely irrelevant to how we as citizens form our opinions and make our votes.

The reason this isn't true is because the media has been given such a reign over what it is that we citizens consume that it should be held accountable for its actions. And our contentment with the status quo in the wake of its favoritism should demonstrate that soundly.

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