Do You Want Borr's Location?

The person is Odie himself. I know this now. Not at time my last post.

I sent him reddit message politely inquiring what happened to my account. No response, but maybe busy. Checked my other one I had not used in a few days, also blocked.

While I wait for response, because maybe a gps foul up on my phone caused it... at least that I was hoping it to be. I made a new account last night to play for a bit to tide me over. Extra accounts aren't against rules. I have even fought kingdoms of all one person's accounts.

Sat in one spot for awile then went to sleep. That new one this morning is now blocked... I have my doubts about it being a mistake anymore, nor someone without direct control.

That leaves the one, the only, Odie.

Unless someone else has access. Which if I place the time I lost access on the first one... was within the hour after I posted those coordinates in Spain for NPCs. I don't believe in considences.

What the hell Odie!? Are you upset I figured out how your code places NPCs? Sure, your clause says you can ban without reason, even if I don't break ToS. Even though I did not. But I will call this out. It's looks terrible.

I took massive amount of data points for NPCs in Lansing, East Lansing, Holt, Mason, Okemos, Bath, Grandledge and more. Data on over 5000 Orna areas Plus all known Borr locations I had. Originally I did guesswork by hand. Then by spreadsheet. Sure, I took a program and altered it to pattern find for me after that to predict where. I can go back to by hand if you choose.

Not once did I interface with your game by any 3rd party. Anyone can see what I did with google maps tracking bosses, many posts ago. To see the lengths I go to. So I am dedicated. When I play games, I play them.

Hope you aren't upset because I figured you out. Hope someone is whispering in your ear that I must be cheating when I am not. Some jealous prick you shouldn't heed. No, I didn't somehow decompile your game, doubt you have all the server code accessable anyways.

Can I get back to playing, sir? Stop my accounts if it makes you happy. But, I'd least like my old names back. Delete them if you care. Otherwise I will keep trying.

... to think all this started because I wanted to help others. "No good deed goes unpunished." Strikes again.

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