Bosses of Reddit - have any of you ever slept with an employee? Story would be appreciate for everyone's sake.

Not my story, but a previous co-worker.

This guy was a mid-level boss...who didn't want to be a manager. He was a trainer and worker bee, that's it. And he was damn good at it. He'd been doing the same same job for ~14 years and loved working. Time had come for him to leave being a worker and become the lead for his section. His management skills were just barely worse than his two finger hunt-and-peck typing skills. Excel was = to quantum mechanics to him. It was almost comical. To make it worse, he's about as country as they come. A typical sentence would be "fuck excel, that's nerd shit, I just wanna go work, not this office chair bull shit." The type to go dove hunting before work or talk about how his wife pisses him off while his wife is in front of him type. He's married with kids, his oldest is in high school.

Anyway, now he was a 'boss' and had about 15 folks working under him. The 'new girl' was 19, and a tom boy. Short hair, also country. The type to wear blue jeans and belt buckle.

Anyway, it comes as no surprise that johnny hill billy was a beer drinker. So was the new girl. After some months, we suspected something wasn't right between them two. Anyway, one night, he's hosting a barbecue at his house, has new girl as a guest. wife is drunk, girl is drunk. Wife goes off to get more beer (has DD), 'country' and new girl get down. Both are drunk so they compeltely forget that....oh, yeah, wife will be back in ~20 min.

Wife catches him and....all shit breaks loose. She calls his work, he gets into serious trouble (fraternization and appearing to abuse position over junior employees is absolutely frowned well as affairs).

Anyway, the fall out was that this county guy would come to work but rather than mope, he'd actually complain about his wife "nagging him and bringing stupid shit up" Listening to him talk about it, you'd think it was her fault she cheated.

Anyway, he's long since been fired now..he didn't get a divorce, but went to counseling....which is another story all its own.

/r/AskReddit Thread