Boston Globe: 'Stanford rapist is a product of online gamer and reddit bro culture'. Article demonizes males, calls for all boys to be forced to read rape victims statements.

This is a misleading subject line.

Go to the Boston Globe article, because the saved archive page doesn't get beyond the "read more" button. The article ends with "They lurk in the corners of online forums like Reddit. Conversely, in the world of college athletics, they can be coddled and enabled, by parents and coaches and peers, to take what they want because they’ve been told since childhood that it’s theirs. However briefly, their bubble was burst this week. It’ll be back. Get your sons to read that victim’s statement if you want them to think and feel and respect their way beyond it."

Nothing about forcing boys to read rape victims statements. It's SJW, but it isn't wrong. Sticking to the facts helps falsely accused men more than propping up every campus rapist.

If this guy was innocent why did he run? Why did he leave his consensual sex partner to the mercies of two approaching strangers?

Drunk or not, this jackass knew what he was doing and knew it was wrong. Don't paint this case as some Ghomeshi or Sulkowicz instance where the "victim" kept communicating with and professing their love for their rapist months after the "rape". She woke up bloodied, bandaged, and surrounded by police.

In my view this is cut and dried. Turner is a rapist who is getting off light because an over crowded prison system is going to release him in six months rather than a non-violent drug offender.

Picture that. Guys who were caught with a joint in their pocket are going to do more time than a guy who was caught with his hand up an unconscious woman's pussy, said woman was unconscious behind a dumpster.

Is this fair or just?

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