Both the Political Left and Right are mostly right and moral, they're just really shit at conveying their ideas.

redefined in 2013

Explain the 10% 2017 jump.

Way to go mask off

I know you really want me to be racist, but sorry I'm not. It's got nothing to do with race. If a country has more rapes than another, and the people from the first country immigrate in a large amount to the other, then the second country will almost certainly see their instances of rape go up.

This is not a reflection on the population of the first country as a whole, as rapes are generally committed by a small portion of a population, who are usually repeat offenders.

So why not solve it internationally and use it as a uniting cause for humanity

I never said that wasn't the best idea. You were just acting like it couldn't be solved under nationalism.

I think you've made a grave mistake of thinking I personally hold any of these views.

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