why bother anymore

I am very old. I have been unwanted and unloved my entire life by everybody. I've come to the conclusion that being an unwanted child is a disease that affects you for the rest of your life. If your parents don't love you your friends won't love you if your friends won't love you no one will want to date you. And when everybody avoids you the entire Community treats you as their own personal punching bag good it's never going to change. There is no safe place for me to go. There is no one for me to turn to. There's no one who will welcome me into their life there is no one who I will ever matter to. I am nothing. I mean nothing. I was never supposed to be here and I feel like I'm being punished for just taking up space when I never wanted exist in the first place. I don't have any friends. And I haven't barely just begun. I came into this world hated by all and I'm going to leave it just the same way

/r/Vent Thread Parent