Bots Make Zen, or how I have overcome tilting by considering other players bots.

Sure, that support bot of yours should have gone with you to ward that bush, but guess what? He's a bot, and you knew this from the start. So why did you go ward that bush when you knew there was a chance your support bot wouldn't follow along? Don't expect your bot to improvise; expect the worst and play safe. Use your map more to compensate, for example. Sure, your mid Lux bot shouldn't have built Luden's first into a Zed bot, but what good is wasting your concentration on chat trying to undo what's been done? Instead, assume the bot will maintain course, and do something about it yourself: go mid and keep the Zed bot on a leash. He's going to be your problem most of all if he carries on the snowball, and your mid bot's SV could come in handy against that enemy Liss bot Top, so perhaps Team Fights will be favourable. Reap what you can, and don't waste your breath on a stubborn bot. Sure, your opponent ADC got lucky three times in a row with that 30 HP escape, but guess what? He's a bot! He'll do it a fourth! Don't chase into his turret trying to get that kill; use his b to push in the wave and get an exp lead. He's a dumb bot, and having to b four times puts him at a serious disadvantage. Sure, you didn't get a kill, but your Bf sword and 80 extra dmg from that skill that's one lvl higher than his will surely beat his pick axe!

This whole entire section is revolved around blaming your teammates because you think they are idiots. You are basically saying you can be toxic all you want as long as you don't type in chat. And you don't win games by yelling at a computer screen. You should really get out of bronze/silver before trying to teach people how to climb.

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