Bought a Humongous Christmas pack and didn't the "guaranteed" Christmas collectable. This was what EA advisor said in response.

Hold the phone and consider a few things. 1. Vipin is in India and likely has no access to any of their systems to be able to put the collectible in your account. 2. He’s giving you a next step to submit this as a bug fix - which is one of the options when going to support in the website and you can upload your image/proof - they clearly state that this process is thru email as someone from engineering/dev needs to review. 3. Bugs/errors/mixups happen frequently in the real world - not sure how old you are but if this is how you handle this little blip on the radar I have concerns for your future.

Disclaimer - I work for a big software company and this shit happens all the time but our customers usually understand if they don’t go the correct avenue for assistance they won’t get the immediate support they need.

/r/NHLHUT Thread Link -