I bought my boyfriend rdr 2...

In life you have to take the moments to sit down in talk no matter how big or how small the issues are. The right man shall be able to understand the fairness in sharing and making time for you both to enjoy the game. The worst thing you can do is say nothing and possibly create resentment towards him for his actions. You never know if the other person has the knowledge to recognize what you are feeling inside. Always give the other person the opportunity to recognize and make the right choice. It should not end in a fight and it should not be a problem. Offer suggestions that work for both of y'all. Plan it out. A day for you a day for him or few hours for you a few hours for him. Finding the right balance is key. let no material things or burdens ruin a relationship. Relationships end due to the lack of knowledge it takes to solve problems in a healthy way. Knowledge and communication are just 2 of the many things that make a solid foundation in a relationship. If all else fails suggest buying an additional setup so you both have your own. That's what my wife and I did. No problems. Remember to be kind use a soft tone and be respectful. Offer your suggestions. If you are met with hostility and no compromise then it's time to rethink who you are with. Cause in life we have to be willing to adapt, grow and compromise. Good Luck.

/r/reddeadredemption Thread