I bought New Vegas on PC. What mods should I get

Don't have links for these, sorry. Make sure to grab the FNV4G and NVSE thingies.

Bug Fixes: -Explosives Immunity Fix (fixes enemies becoming immune to explosive damage)
-Gun Follows Crosshairs in First Person (self explanatory)
-New Vegas Stutter Remover (makes the game run better)
-New Vegas Anti Crash (guess)
-Reload Speed Game Start Fix (Vegas has an odd bug where your reload speed is super slow when you load a save with a weapon drawn, this mod fixes that)
-Yukichigai Unofficial Patch + WMX,EVE,IMPACT support (bug fixes without changing the game drastically compared to something like Mission Mojave)
-YCS 186 Gauss Rifle Fix (FPS model uses a low res texture or some shit)

Gameplay (ooo!)
-Active Wasteland (you can interact with lamps, clocks, gas tanks, microscopes, basically makes some static props interactable)
-DFB - Random Encounters (adds random encounter spots akin to FO3)
-Improved Companion Sandbox (makes your companions act more lively, sitting on chairs for instance when told to wait)

/r/Fallout Thread