
Listen. Testosterone is a motherfucker. I know. Watch 3 Mics Neal Brennan on Netflix right away to know what I’m talking about. we are hormonal animals and we have to accept and own the fact that those hormones make us fucking CREEPY. We need to channel that energy into something better. Find out what you like and find a healthy way to explore it. Please. The average man cannot think of a time when his personal safety was threatened. The average woman feels scared for her personal safety on daily/weekly basis because of testosterone. I’m not for the feminization of society, I’m just saying we have to stop with the creepy shit. Use that energy to make yourself better... every time you want to follow a hot girl in the grocery store (Neal Brennan) use it to remind you that energy needs to be channeled into something healthy.... make yourself better... workout... take up an interesting hobby,... make yourself desirable. I don’t care what kind of neck beard basement dwelling incel you are I guarantee you are not alone... and not only that there is a partner out there for you to explore all this with. The good news is it’s up to you.

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