Boyfriend (28M) and I (24F) have some ongoing communication issues. He dismisses how I feel or express things by saying I’m “too sensitive”.

Or maybeee, just maybeeeeee, he's not the manipulative jerk you're trying to make him look like. I used to the the exact same thing to my girlfriend and it was not out of spite, nor out of the desire to manipulate the conversation or disregard her feelings. We had the same back and forth discussions over it, but when we talked it through on a more serious note and more at length, I understood her point of view. She also is extremely emphatic and would get very emotional very fast over the smallest things, so every time I would tell her she's way too sensitive or overreacting to some things, I GENUINELY called things out as they were, plain and simple. I saw she was being too sensitive, I communicated to her I am thinking she is being too sensitive. Now, I don;t say that anymore, I have a different approach to try and calm her down/comfort her (depending on the situation). It's true we had arguments and a lot of discussions on the matter, but ultimately, we both reached common grounds.

So, OP, give it time, communicate as you do, be patient yourself and you will get there. It's not the end of the world and I'm sure he will understand you and work with you. And plan to have your next discussion on this topic with a clear head while keeping your cool. This would definitely show him you are able or at least working to keep your emotions in check more and will trust you want to improve this side of yourself, too and will have nothing left to do than to support you. And it starts with removing the trigger which guessed it....calling you too sensitive.

Hope it helps :)

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