Boyfriend says I’m boring in bed when we have it 6 times a week

K…. There’s a difference between childish and immature. Also, your boyfriend has an unrealistic view of what intimacy is due to either porn (my guess) or other social influences. I was an idiot about sex until my 30’s due to some early childhood stuff and a bad porn habit. It literally took a few failed relationships before I realized what I was doing to SELFISHLY turn these girls off. When I look back, I had good relationships that I sabotaged because I was chasing an illusion. What is crazy, is that I dated my wife briefly during this period and it didn’t work out due to us moving away for school. Thank GOD I finally figured my shit out before we got back together. I haven’t seen her in lingerie in years (mostly because we’re so goddamn busy) but that’s NOT what it’s all about.
Here’s a question, what do you not like about him? Go ahead and tell him. If he listens and genuinely reflects on what you say, there’s a chance. If he is just making demands with nothing give, no personal growth, then it’s time for him to fuck off.

/r/sex Thread