Boyfriend sent screenshot with tinder notification icon… says it was for subscription renewal through google play… but hasn’t used it in over a year..

Even if he is to use it and swipe through some ass, so what? If you have so little trust in your boyfriend that you gotta control shit like that, I promise you your relationship has no future either way.

We are human, not systems programmed for you. We look at people, we check out, what they wear, how they look, how they are, even when in a relationship. It's called nature, it's how it is and you'll never be able to stop it, or do you think if he deletes tinder he's magically not gonna check out the real princess' butt walking by when you're not around? And even if you are and he doesn't look, you think it won't be on his mind? What do you think you are, a god? I love my wife and our beautiful children but she damn well knows she's not the hottest, most burning piece of pussy out there (which isn't even relevant). Naturally I look at passing hoes with spacestation asses or elegant beauties. Does that mean I will go grab them by the tit and cheat my wife? Obviously fking not. I'm not her property, it's my decision that I'm with her. If she can't trust me and is gonna lose her shit about it or try to control it, she can pack her bags and get out. I love her but I love myself and my principles more. I didn't marry her to put a chain around my neck like a dog.

Don't get me wrong, she can be a little jealous and talk about what she doesn't like, that's a good thing even, shows interest and fear of loss. But if she starts throwing tantrums or dictate what I can and cannot do, that's the line not to cross.

Conclusion: Take a chill pill. Let him just swipe and chat with people, you're not the only human on earth. Plenty of people just look for new friendships on there. You can't controll what he wants and he thinks, app or not, lol. So you either trust and accept him (like you fucking should if you get into a relationship) or move along until you find the submissive dog you're looking for, which then you will dump anyways because he's not bad enough, too nice and puts you too high, which makes you bored and lose interest. Come the fuck on, will ya?

/r/Tinder Thread Link -