The boys better make this happen

I think I understand what he talks about, from what I got it was conscious hip hop. I think I heard that he sampled a cop dying on one of his songs. I don't mind that, I don't care much for politics but I'm not a big cop fan and I don't really care about some guy who died. Peggy seems like a bit of an ass but so does Kanye and MBDTF is great.

I don't really know anything specific that he says. I remember it being conscious, there was a dead cop and I remember him getting mad at Death Grips (although I dunno if I actually listened to that song, I just knew r/deathgrips threw a shitfit over it because they're stupid) but that's it.

What I do know is that he had a boring-ass flow, stupid "experimental" beats and him being a bit of an ass didn't help any of that. If you add that to everyone relentlessly jerking off to him then he just becomes more of this shitty artist in my mind. He's like Grimes to me, boring music with the worst fucking fanbase ever that overall leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

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