Brag about your net worth and how you got there, I want to read some stories.

Thanks for the well thought out reply. Definetly will be a tough but fufilling journey, I'm going for computer science rn at a local community college. I plan to graduate with my bachelors in 2020. I Start my first programing class in the summer, they teach some object oreinted stuff and c++. I hope i will find out in that class whether computer science is the field for me or not. Im very tech savv and have used a computer i was around 5 years old. but I shall find out soon whether programming appeals to me . I definitely agree with what you said on starting my own business, My goal is to become a successful millionaire entrepreneur. currently I own a online ecommerce store on ebay and amazon, and I sell various products shipped from a supplier in China for decent margins. I started this last month and am currently in the process of scaling up and finding new products and vendors that appeal to an audience. I also on the side have a hobby of trading international currencies on the Forex exchange. I also trade commodties such as gold and oil. I am very interested in one day starting a portfolio that can interest investors. I plan on integrating what I've learned in computer science to help me develop auto-matic traders that will be backtested and portfolio-ized to show Growth. I have alot ahead of me however I have faith that God will show me the right way. Thank you for your advice and if theres anything else you would like to share with me, feel free to let me know of noteable knowledge that you have been blessed with in order to get where you are today, for it would be greatly appreciated in my life for you to give me the gift of growth.


Ahsun Khan

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