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Videos in general show what is possible. They do not generally show what is probable.

Most are rehearsed and of course any upload is chosen by the content creator, so you can be sure they only upload things they want people to see.

Bosnianbill is a good example. His Kwikset SmartKey video is deceptive. He made that after people on reddit were criticizing him for making excuses.

So he tries to make it seem easy and no big deal, without revealing that years ago, he refused an offer to send him a SmartKey because he tried picking them and could not.

Then, after a while, after many people pick it, including this person picking the lock I offered bosnianbill a month after, he makes a video making it seem easy with a voice over and a package meant to make it look like a casual out of the box picking, and ignoring all those who single pin picked it.

So, if you only paid attention to his video, you would be heavily deceived about what is possible, how long it actually took, and how difficult it actually is.

But it gets praise from the fans and they can pretend like Kwikset is stupid.

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