Brand New Homeowners- Mainline Sewer Clog & No Cleanout

A professional will usually have a far longer and more heavy duty snake thing, which will also be able to clean out the walls of the sewer line.

Ask them to help find the cleanout thing, see if there's a septic tank or whatever, or tell you how the sewer line runs through your garden so you don't need to dig up everything. I had a guy throw a probe thing down the sewer, and he was able to track where it ran.

You probably will have one, hidden under a pot or a bit deeper.

But I didn't have a clean out, so I installed one myself. If you do need to install a cleanout thing, my tip: you don't actually need to cut through the sewer line.

- You dig up the pipe, then buy a t-piece with the same diameter

- Cut something like 45 degrees at the bottom of the t-piece, enough so you can clip the t-piece over the existing line.

- Then you mark out a hole on the sewer line so it lines up with the hole of the t-piece that goes up.

- Remove the t-piece, cut the hole in the sewer line

- Put the pipe going up to ground level into the t-piece. The t-piece will deform after you clip it on the main line, so you won't be able to do it later.

- Apply glue on the main line where the t-piece will go.

- Clip the t-piece with pipe going up, onto the main line over the hole.

- Pop a lid or whatever on the end of the t-piece after cutting it to the desired level.

/r/DIY Thread