Brand New Music announces they have ended their contract with San E today.

He was a controversial Korean rapper. He's always been a thirsty misogynist ane everyone laughed at how thirsty he was. He makes ok-ish music and has controversies because of his thirst. He got criricized for his favoritism for pretty girls on a hip hop competition show he hosted. He wrote a song about having sex with a pop group and made paper thin excuses about how it the title was Girlfriend (the song was titled Gfriend, the exact name of the group in English). Now he's made another song called Feminist where he complains about a misandry group called Megalia (they're the type of misandrists who repost images of nails being hammered through penises or boys being molested because it's funny... No seriously check our r/Megalia).

The thing is.... The song doesn't really critique Megalia or misandry. It's about him refusing to pay for his date's dinner and making women sign up for the military draft, because feminism.

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