Brand Owner Q&A

  • Just my mind. Nothing really "inspires" me. The last time we did a set of specifically themed colours, I didn't really like them and the response wasn't as good as usual. Trying to fit products around an existing concept (aside from broad ones like a season) feels somewhat restrictive, personally.

  • Well, here goes: Generally, I cringe. Something loosely related or inspired by, as long as product or names aren't obviously and directly connected, just obscure references, is fine. Historic or classic-based collections & products are neat; You're not capitalising on anyone's current creativity by making a Moby Dick collection. But if you based one specifically on "In the Heart of the Sea", that would be. Just my opinion, but I think it's more honouring historic figures, events, classic books/music, or legends/myths versus not having to do half the work yourself because someone already has. Then again, a "Frozen" collection is going to catch attention and sell more than "Based on the Ice Queen legend blah blah blah" (disclaimer: I have NO idea of there is a Frozen collection in the indie world, just randomly thought of that, but I doubt it because Disney apparently doesn't take kindly to that sort of thing). Though in some cases it can be kind of a grey area, the direct utilising of someone else's creative work is clear - AND I'm not off the hook for that because, for example, I once named a shade "Species 8472". After all, how would one of us like it if Major Beauty Brand took our product(s) and marketed their own copies, or specific product names were used as character names in a book without permission or credit? Happens all the time, actually. Mass producers of garments copy independent artists' t-shirt prints, for example.

  • The entire Whipped Metallics/Mattes, the Exquisites shadows, and specific shadow shades like Forest Creatures (mossy brown-green turns to emerald). Er, you asked for one favourite, so I'll stop there.

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