Brass tacks, Bungie: For the fall 2018 update to sell, D2 needs SIGNIFICANT sandbox and loot changes at least a month prior to its release.

Sure, but why should I care about Diablo? I don't even know what Diablo is. I could google it but I seriously don't want to.

Doesn't this just mean this is a rearguard action by MMORPG no life random nutters to close the gate on this game? But don't we both get to have a fight? (they should do a fourth wall faction rally on that basis btw)

How is this your fight with bungie? Aren't we simply tearing your D1 game away from you? Your fight is with us chum.

I like D2 - and I think there's maybe more of me than there is of you.

What's your phrase reaction? What's your response? What's that sad 4chan gamer thing? Oh no wait.


THere's that thing. Scream you unreconstructed child, scream.

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