Brave gamer dares to go against Mario. Brings a tear to my eye to see how far we have gone.

/uj WTF is this drivel ? Is this a parody of some poster ? Of some PSA ? I tried to scour the comments on r/gaming, but all the information I could get was that it was a repost (of course). Either way, how did this get more than 40k upvotes ?

  • It’s not funny,

  • there’s no punchline,

  • no wit,

  • it doesn’t even make a clever observation,

  • the premise is WAY too obvious to be absurd or funny,

  • the presentation is boring,

  • it’s completely low effort (just badly photoshop Dr Mario, Mario and two logo over an image of a gavel and a scale and there you go)

  • and it’s pixelated as shit.

Basically this post is worthless and it makes me irrationally angry.

/r/Gamingcirclejerk Thread Link -