BRAVE Standing Orders.

It's well known that our council meetings get leaked around all over the place so people used to take that as no one should be trusted with anything rather than figure out the issues.

Hey, look at those big null blocs. Their leadership stuff gets leaked too. Most of the time it won't be leaked publicly, but opposing bloc leaders will know about anything that happens in your alliance anyways. If it gets leaked to the public, what are hostile line members gonna do about it? Point and laugh probably but not much more than that. Don't let this be something that prevents leadership from doing things as the people who can take action (hostile bloc leaders) based on your conversations will hear about your plans anyways.

The other part is general newbieness in making these kinda decisions, sometimes instead of making a clear cut decision, a decision is made that just placates everyone until the issue is forced (which is one of the greatest mistakes we make).

It's almost always better to decide at least something than to just wait until you're forced to decide, even if the decision was bad. You can always fix it later. As an outsider nowadays (ex-BRAVE) I've been reading the subreddit and in my opinion, it looks like people aren't getting the info they need or it's hidden somewhere or it's announced when they're sleeping and transcripts of the announcement get buried in this subreddit. Sometimes it's not even announced. It doesn't need to be more than one page on the wiki titled '#happenings' where people can just see what's up and act accordingly. Then just send alliance mail linking to that page whenever something critical happens.

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