Is braver a good sub class option

I say bow is better single target compared to katana because of how consistent you can put out strong hits via flex arrow and stock dimension spam with WA dodge skill.

This is inheritly wrong.

  • Katana abilities all do nearly twice the damage of flex arrow.

  • Uptime is solved with Wirelance multiweapon.

  • Whereas Fear eraser has super armor, Flex Arrow does and is easily interrupted. You have to charge without taking a hit for 4.5 seconds with limited mobility. There is potential for massive DPS loss if even one misses.

  • Uncharged Dimension Ray spam is a DPS loss in all cases.

Bow is just not consistent enough. While it has higher damage than rifle, it isn't as consistent. Rifle may actually have higher single target damage.

Bow is in a bad place.

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