Brazilian Elections: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver | LastWeekTonight (16:13)

I know that John Oliver is not exactly left wing politics, but I do believe his assessment of the situation is fair.

I'm a brazilian gay dude and I'm increasingly afraid and anxious with these elections, our fascist candidate is quite likely to win the elections, he got 46% in the first round and only needs to get to 50% in the second round to win (compared to Haddad, the other candidate for the second round, who got 29%). Even if he doesn't win (a big if), he elected a lot of his supporters in the congress, that are mainly concerned with "family values", the bible and agro-business. I feel increasingly powerless in this, people's hate for the worker's party (the main rival) is so large that they are willing to support this fascist through anything, I really don't know what to do.

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