BreadPanes 98: "Coconuts"

The idea that the principles of marxism line up with the initial founding principles of liberalism - equality, fraternity, and freedom - is totally reasonable even with your butchered interpretation; and while I disagree with his use of the n word in that debate I don't think it makes him racist to use a stupid rhetorical flourish for dunk points. As far as the accusation of liberalism goes, he basically advocates for a position as far left as someone knowledgeable about the economy can give. Markets are currently, mathematically, the only workable way we have to calculate the distribution of goods with elastic demand; and we need to work within that structure. I don't think it's liberal to believe that.

As far as the pejoratives go, I don't think any amount of contextless clips can outweigh the massive amount of socially progressive content on his channel, which has an audience of socially oppressed groups. Even if you could provide something he said that was unequivocally transphobic or racist you would also have to prove it represents a trend. You'll just have to forgive me for supporting the literal only person who is capable and willing to engage in rhetorically effective, performatively cruel debate with the right (which is genuinely an important genre for deradicalization) despite him making a yikesy joke once or twice.

Regarding the victim's accusations I understand the importance of trying to place greater emphasis on belief in these cases as a broader challenge to social hegemony but ultimately with the amount of unverified nonsense going around, I trend towards the side of caution - and on those grounds; all I can trust is what I saw, which was the creepy leaked DMs, which he has admitted to and apologized for.

And look; maybe this is a little bit revealing on my part but the reason I'm attached to the idea of defending vaush is because of what he represents - I'm not content with a left that would rather insulate ourselves in bubbles and cede everything to the right so we can fucking nag at each other on the way to the death camps to feel slightly less powerless than be a little mean and debate-bro-y. When I watch content from people willing to actually engage in debate and appeal to moderates or even center-right people, I, as someone who would almost certainly be among the first to the camps, feel less vulnerable. This style of advocacy is important. Have your therapeutic safe spaces, but the second you start to challenge the idea that we need a portion of the movement which is dedicated to outreach, debate, and slow radicalization; you become an enemy of the left who cares more about aesthetics than protecting anyone. I don't care if you feel like more of a lefty than me for not believing in markets or for not voting for Biden.

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