BREAKING: Justice Kennedy, the pivotal swing vote on the Supreme Court, announces retirement, giving Trump a chance to dramatically shift the institution to the right

we are to listen to?

God. Are you telling me you have no faith?

do you think the Council of Nicaea made Rome take control of Christianity?

No. I think the Council of Nicaea was one of the first steps of Rome taking control. Rome was already controlling Christianity with force prior to the takeover. Prior to the council the Emperors injected their own political figures into the religion, Roman wolves in sheep's clothing infecting the traditions with Roman influence. And what the plants didn't do, the slaughtering of those who didn't align themselves with the empire did the rest.

Christianity's entire history is one of political control. First the government controlling the religion, then of the government using the religion to control the empire.

Actually scripture tells us to hold to our traditions

Then common sense should tell you to ignore the parts of the "scriptures" that cause us to commit evil. The "scriptures" are not verifiable except by the fruit that each book and chapter produce. Worshipping a book is just idolatry and ignores the fact that the Bible hasn't been protected from the weakness of man at all. Man has the freewill to infect the "scriptures." And finally we live in a time period where that statement won't get you killed (in some places.) The book is not God. Jacob/James chapter 1 tells us the word of God is inside of you. Not penned, not written. God is a living God. God's word is a living word. It is not possible to pen the word of God in man's weak language.

The books are great guides. Not everything in them should be there.

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