BREAKING NEWS: Jon Moxley reveals he was unhappy in WWE

I think Ambrose is being ridiculous. He easily could just say that all the WWE stuff is in the past and I'm focused on my future. I'm happy to be working with Khan and AEW, blah blah blah. But he chooses to bring up the WWE horrors instead.

Ok ok we get it by now but, he's just answering questions you know? The fault in all of this lies with the awfully biased, agenda driven, shit stirring mods next door. Why allow these posts to see the light of day? Why have them sitting up top for the whole day? Oh yeah, because they love any alternative to the evilness of Le Fed. The WWE is soooooo bad that anything or anyone that presents the company in a poor manner is rocketed to the top. It's fucking inexcusable how the mods over there manage the day to day activity of that sub. Unreal. And then to have the audacity to ban people for differing views. Fuck the lot of them.

Sorry, I'm come to my senses. Cody is King and The Mox reached rock bottom over there.

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