[Breaking News] Orlando Nightclub mass-shooting.

We are all going to die one day. Why are you all so sad? Most of you don't even care about the people who died. This is just excitement for you all and this tragedy will go down in history as the worst shooting in America because you have all made it so. Yet in other countries has been tragedies ten times worse than this and don't even make it to the front page. First world problems. A first world tragedy is suddenly a WORLD tragedy apocalyptic event of all times. You people make me sick because you are so fake and hypocritical. One week from now you will all be back to watching Netflix and upvoting kitty cat pictures with big eyes and little quirky funny obscure things you see from your past that you think no one else in your real life would get but all these people on Reddit got you, understand you and are with you. You say that you all are against this mass shooter but in a way you all are only praising his name and worshipping him as you continue to make him a living god to go down in the books of history. You give this tragedy all your heart and soul to make sure the shooter is remembered, and then you will go on with all your lives like it never happened. You watch the news and feel the fear they propagate to you and here is the climax of it, it's here now and you all revel in it and seem to enjoy it or something. You enjoy to hate it. You enjoy it and I think that's just so sad. Look at how involved you all are. This event is in the past now, what can you do? Is there anything you can do to bring back the lives that were lost? Do you not see how you all make this a great and grand spectacle of things? I get the feeling you all think we are at a festival of sorts of christian gospel music coming together holding hands and being a team unified effort against this horrible tragedy, as long as it's an American tragedy of course. I spit at you silly monkey humans and not monkey as in racism because I'm not racist but really you all are silly and stupid monkeys and most of you can only point if you see the other monkeys pointing. So sad, and this is human evolution? I spit.

/r/AskReddit Thread